* Cumhur ARDIÇ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-20 13:14]:
> I've got a Power Mac 4400/200, and have installed Debian Linux 3.0 r1.
> After changing the harddisk with a brand new one formated right for Linux
> file system, i cannot boot it from floopy or cdrom.
> What should i do to install the OS.

 debian-www is the wrong list for such questions. You should rather
direct your questions regarding the powerpc port of Debian to the
debian-powerpc mailinglist, or in general to the debian-user list.

 So long,
<etbe> When will we be able to upload packages to Debian again?
<weasel> after sarge released.  this is a kind of a sneak freeze :)
                                  -- during the restore of the debian servers

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