Hi, I'm updating Bugs/server-control.wml (1.38 -> 1.39[1]) for Japanese, and found that the comment lines in the new Example usage: should be escaped. In making the wml to html, the comment lines are removed as comment of wml. I think, however, that these lines are useful and translatable. So, it should be applied the following patch. I will apply this patch if these's no contrary opinion.
1. http://cvs.debian.org/webwml/english/Bugs/server-control.wml.diff?r1=1.38&r2=1.39&cvsroot=webwml&diff_format=u regards, -- Nobuhiro IMAI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Key fingerprint = F39E D552 545D 7C64 D690 F644 5A15 746C BD8E 7106 Index: server-control.wml =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/Bugs/server-control.wml,v retrieving revision 1.39 diff -u -r1.39 server-control.wml --- server-control.wml 11 Jun 2004 16:47:50 -0000 1.39 +++ server-control.wml 15 Jun 2004 14:51:40 -0000 @@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ <p>Example usage:</p> <pre> - # same as 'tags 123456 + patch' + \# same as 'tags 123456 + patch' tags 123456 patch - # same as 'tags 123456 + help security' + \# same as 'tags 123456 + help security' tags 123456 help security - # add 'fixed' and 'pending' tags + \# add 'fixed' and 'pending' tags tags 123456 + fixed pending - # remove 'unreproducible' tag + \# remove 'unreproducible' tag tags 123456 - unreproducible - # set tags to exactly 'moreinfo' and 'unreproducible' + \# set tags to exactly 'moreinfo' and 'unreproducible' tags 123456 = moreinfo unreproducible </pre>
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