Severity: normal
Tags: patch


looking at
tidy reports some warning about empty <dd> tags, here is a patch that
should solve this problem for vote pages, where in fact it is the only
case where there is nothing between the two variable
$elemfoot$elemrealfoot in the wml code, the new variable $elememptyfoot
should be used each time the foot is empty, and this appears to be the
case only for the vote section.

BTW, I'm not sure the <br /> is very usefull, elinks renders the page in
the same way without it, but that's my only webbrowser, so I haven't
really checked this.

please check the patch before using it


Nicolas Bertolissio

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.4

Index: recent_list.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/template/debian/recent_list.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.119
diff -u -r1.119 recent_list.wml
--- recent_list.wml     30 Apr 2004 08:32:09 -0000      1.119
+++ recent_list.wml     19 May 2004 09:35:48 -0000
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 # 3) News/2002/index.wml
 # get_recent_list ('.', '0', '$(ENGLISHDIR)/News/2002', '', '\d+\w*')
-my ($listhead, $listfoot, $elemhead, $elemdate, $elemfoot, $elemrealfoot);
+my ($listhead, $listfoot, $elemhead, $elemdate, $elemfoot, $elememptyfoot, 
 my $is_events = 0;
 my $is_by_date = 0;
@@ -123,12 +123,14 @@
        $listfoot = '</ol>';
        $elemhead = '<li>';
        $elemfoot = '- ';
+       $elememptyfoot = '</li>';
        $elemrealfoot = '</li>';
     } elsif ($format =~ bullet) {
        $listhead = '<ul>';
        $listfoot = '</ul>';
        $elemhead = '<li>';
        $elemfoot = '- ';
+       $elememptyfoot = '</li>';
        $elemrealfoot = '</li>';
     } elsif ($format =~ list) {
        $listhead = '<dl>';
@@ -136,6 +138,7 @@
        $listfoot = '</dl>';
        $elemhead = '<dt>';
        $elemfoot = '</dt><dd>';
+       $elememptyfoot = '</dt>';
        $elemrealfoot = '</dd>';
     } elsif ($format =~ table) {
        $listhead = '<table>';
@@ -143,12 +146,14 @@
        $elemhead = '<tr><td>';
        $elemdate = '</td><td>';
        $elemfoot = '';
+       $elememptyfoot = '&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        $elemrealfoot = '</td></tr>';
     } else {
        $listhead = '';
        $listfoot = '';
        $elemhead = '';
        $elemfoot = '- ';
+       $elememptyfoot = '';
        $elemrealfoot = '';
@@ -403,7 +408,7 @@
            elsif ( $status eq "F" ) { $str1 .= "<finished/>"; }
            elsif ( $status eq "W" ) { $str1 .= "<withdrawn/>"; }
            else { $str1 .= "$status"; }
-           $str1 .= "<br />$elemfoot$elemrealfoot\n";
+           $str1 .= "<br />$elememptyfoot\n";
        if (!$is_by_date || ($hdate eq "")) {

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