On Sat, 15 May 2004 19:41, Colin Watson wrote:
> [I've cc'ed you, guessing that you don't read debian-www; hope that's
> OK.]

I don't. I'm glad you did.

At present I'm wading through  the discussion following the recent change to 
the SG. I've just read your proposal which I think one of the saner 
suggestions I've seen so far.

> On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 01:04:13PM +0800, John wrote:
> > There are some things, sadly, that Debian doesn't do well.
> >
> > I filed a bug report, and the maintainer closed it, disagreeing with my
> > assessment of the problem. He courteously suggested I follow up with the
> > technical committee.
> Hm, I'm not sure I'd have redirected a non-developer user to the TC as a
> first resort, but hey.

I think him quite rude. People like him prevent me from participating more in 

> > Good idea, I thought,  so off to www.debian.org, click on "contact us."
> >
> > Hmm, nothing there but at the bottom, "We also have a complete list of
> > different jobs and e-mails to use
> > <http://www.debian.org/intro/organization> to contact various parts of
> > the organization." Okay, click on that and there I thought I found the
> > pot of gold:
> > #      /current/ Martin Michlmayr
> > # Technical Committee <http://www.debian.org/devel/tech-ctte> --
> > <debian-ctte@lists.debian.org <mailto:debian-ctte@lists.debian.org>>
> >
> > Beauty. Sent mail off to that address and got this reply:
> > "You are not subscribed to this list, so your submission was rejected.
> > Please subscribe to the list first and then repost your message."
> [...]
> > PS If you really don't think you can open this address to everyone, then
> > how about letting the bug reporting system handle it? I could just as
> > easily have opened a but report against, say, technical-committe and we
> > could discuss the matter and maybe find an amicable resolution or at
> > least a clearer understanding.
> Ah, now, if you'd followed the link to
> http://www.debian.org/devel/tech-ctte that you quote above ... :-) It's
> got a brief document on how to refer questions to the committee.
Why would anyone do that? It's pretty clear (to me, if not to whomever wrote 
the page) you connect ctte by emailing to that address right there.
>   2. Write up a summary of the disagreement, preferably agreeing it with
>      your opponent, and send it to the bug tracking system. Reassign the
>      bug report to the pseudo-package tech-ctte. If there is no bug for
>      the dispute yet, file one.

We're still on emailing terms:-) It may be we'll yet come to some consensus.

John Summerfield

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