On Sun, May 09, 2004 at 08:33:58AM -0300, Gustavo R. Montesino wrote:
> Em Sun, 09 May 2004 12:50:17 +0200, Tobias Toedter escreveu:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > it seems that during the last run of wml not all pages were updated 
> > properly 
> > because of an error during the building[1].
> > 
> > Furthermore, this seems to be related to the newly introduced gettext 
> > domain 
> > "debian-cdd". The script fails with this message:
> > *** No rule to make target `debian-cdd.mo', needed by `install-mo'.  Stop.
> > 
> > If anyone can look into this and see what's wrong, I would be glad to know.
> I've added a target to makefile, so that it'll create the po file if it
> doesn't exists. It should do the trick (I've tested in the portuguese and
> english po dirs, and they work fine).
> I've also cheanged the update-po target, so that it will generate new po
> files when run.
> I was going to ask there before commit, but this seemed urgent. It would
> be good if some webmaster may please review the changes.

This is a bad idea, because when translators add or update PO files, they
already exist or are modified on www-master which causes a CVS conflict.
IMO the only solution is to add */po/foo.XX.po into CVS when adding
I have to go for a couple of hours and will look at it when I am back.


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