• New South Wales 'Making Connections' community website for people with spinal disabilities
  • state government
  • www.spinalforum.com

    The 'Making Connections' website was instigated by the Ministry for Science and Medical Research, an agency of the New South Wales Government, in 2003 and was re-launched running on Debian in May 2004The site uses the MySource CMS, FUDforum and Mailman.

    There are currently over 12,000 people living with a spinal cord injury in Australia, with a further 300 – 400 new cases reported every year.

    Net Return Pty Ltd (www.netreturn.com.au) developed the online community solution for the NSW government.



    Net Return Pty Ltd
    Chris Stephens > Technology Director
    email > cs[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    phone > + 61 2 9779 0129
    mobile > + 61 403 074 567
    fax > + 61 2 9779 0199

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