On Mon, 3 May 2004, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:

>  I wonder where it is? I just see the attached GIF, but no source for
> it...
I just looked at the gif ...

> >> - the dot up the "i" is not blur now
> >
> > Fine.
>  I am not sure if a change to the logo is a good idea. I am on the other
> hand also not sure if the current version was the intended one...
Sure - I guess the current one is just as it is by an error which is fixed
by the new one.

>  Don't get me wrong, your suggestions seem to be nice and worth a
> thought. I just try to take it with a grain of sand.
Sure.  But my rationale why I like the suggestion is:

   - Get rid of images where we want to provide textual information.
   - Get rid of GIF in general (flamewars about to GIF or not to GIF to

Kind regards


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