Hello, On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 01:52:58AM +0100, Frank Lichtenheld wrote: > tbm orphaned all of Chris' packages today (coincidence?), so he > is most probably MIA. I think it should be discussed on debian-alpha who > is in charge of editing this part of the website. Or was there a > discussion like that already? Your changes look good, but it would be > nice if we can have someone who takes the responsibility for further > changes... just a thought.
:-)) Well, I can do this. I attached "my" version of the web pages. First some general notes, though: 1.The file "glibc21-page.wml" is irrelevant now, please delete 2.The file "egcs-bugs.wml" is irrelevant now, please delete 3.Please delete the directory faq/ completely. I am currently getting new version in the upstream page; and it was consencus that these pages should be removed: http://lists.debian.org/debian-alpha/2003/debian-alpha-200311/msg00012.html The following points are still with FIXMEs, maybe I should discuss this, but having your opinion would be great: A.Should we preserve Chris Name & Email Adress, e.g. in index.wml? B.In sys_types.wml you can add my address or ask on debian-alpha if someone else is willing to do this. C.For many systems, longer descriptions exists. Some are on www.alphalinux.org, I also saw extensive listings on the BSD ports. Do you think it is sensible to collect those over time and add links here? Niels intends to remove/cut down his pages once our page is updated[1], so maybe his architecture pages should be moved here? If this is indeed sensible, then I can start collecting those which are going to be removed soon, and linking others. D.I added a link to a page on my home page, which I initially made for alpha linux, but now it has become rather general. If you feel this link (to Linux Browsers) is not suitable here, please remove. Please tell me what else you think is inappropriate/sub-optimal. Greetings Helge [1] He indicated that when I first asked him about his page. Several days ago I asked him explicitly, but he did not respond. Please wait with publishing his email-adress, as he would like credit, but again I still await his answer if I should add his email-adress. -- Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys. [EMAIL PROTECTED] gpg signed mail preferred gpg-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] 64bit GNU powered http://www.itp.uni-hannover.de/~kreutzm Help keep free software "libre": http://www.freepatents.org/
#use wml::debian::template title="Alpha Port" NOHEADER="true" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/ports/alpha/menu.inc" <h1>Debian GNU/Linux on Alpha Systems</h1> <p>The purpose of these pages is to assist developers and others interested with the ongoing project to port the Debian distribution of Linux to the Alpha family of processors. The Alpha family excels in floating point operations, hence its large deployment in the scientific computing and mathematical research fields.</p> <p><a href="sys_types">Most types of Alphas</a> are supported by the Debian Alpha port; the <a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/alpha/install">installation manual</a> describes how to install and the <a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/alpha/release-notes/">release notes</a> describe how to upgrade a Debian Alpha system.</p> <p>Despite the fact that the Alpha processor development will cease by as early as 2004, with the proper support from the Linux community, the Alpha port will never disappear. Here's the <a href="port-status">current port status</a>. Alpha users might also be interested in <a href="links">these useful resources</a>.</p> <P>If you'd like to join us in this project, please peruse this page and <a href="links#lists">join the mailing list</a>. Things can be fast-moving and we all realise that not everyone has the technical expertise to do it all, but any help that people can or want to offer would be gladly accepted.</p> <P><i>Cheers and happy Alpha-ing!<br> Chris Chimelis</i></p> <!-- FIXME Should his name be preserved here? --> <center><IMG SRC="alpha-penguin.jpg"></center>
#use wml::debian::template title="Alpha Port -- Links" NOHEADER="yes" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/ports/alpha/menu.inc" <h1>Debian-Alpha Links</h1> <ul> <h1>Alpha Links</h1> <ul> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/";>AlphaLinux.org</A><br> This page pretty much contains everything you may want or need to know about running Linux on Alphas. Includes numerous links and an excellent news section. This site is also the home of the official <a href="http://www.alphalinux.org/docs/";>FAQs and HOWTOs</a> related to Linux on Alphas.</li> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/docs/alpha-howto.html";>\ Intro to Alpha Systems</A><br> A rather old, but still informative document for the new or experienced user. It describes the differences between Alphas and other architectures as well as describing the different systems. <b>If you have an old system and you really need to know what your system is despite what it says on the case, see <A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/docs/alpha-howto.html#The%20Systems";>this subsection</A>.</b></li> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/faq/FAQ.html";>Linux/Alpha FAQ</A><br> A good source of information, the Linux/Alpha FAQ was originally put together by Red Hat users, but has expanded to include more general info and is still a great reference.</li> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/faq/srm.html";>SRM Firmware HOWTO</A><br> The official HOWTO for systems using SRM firmware. If you need to use <a href="http://www.sf.net/aboot";>aboot</a> to boot your Alpha, this is the page for you. #This HOWTO is included in #the latest version of the #<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/aboot.html";>Debian packet</a> #as well. </li> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/faq/milo.html";>MILO HOWTO</A><br> The official HOWTO for MILO. Please note that <a href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/";>debian-installer</a> lacks MILO support. SRM is highly recommended, but if you cannot switch and you are interested in MILO support for post-Woody releases of Debian, then read <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-alpha/2004/debian-alpha-200402/msg00003.html";>this post to debian-alpha</a> and subscribe to <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/";>debian-boot</a> to add MILO support. The latest known location are <a href="http://www.suse.de/~stepan/";>Stepan Rainauers page</a>, <a href="ftp://genie.ucd.ie/pub/alpha/milo/";>Nikita Schmidt</a> and the work done by <a href="http://dev.gentoo.org/~taviso/milo/";>Gentoo</a>.</li> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphalinux.org/faq/alphabios-howto.html";>AlphaBIOS Firmware HOWTO</A><br> The official HOWTO for systems using AlphaBIOS firmware.</li> <li><A HREF="http://ftp.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/semiconductor/literature/dsc-library.html";>Digital's Old Documentation Library</A> with a <a href="ftp://ftp.unix-ag.org/user/nils/Alpha-Docs/";>Mirror by Nils Faerber</a></li> <li><A HREF="http://www.alphanews.net/";>alphanews.net</A><br> Some alpha related news are posted here, for several OS which run or used to run on alphas.</li> <li><A HREF="http://www.itp.uni-hannover.de/~kreutzm/en/lin_browser.html";>Browsers running on Linux Alpha</a><br> If you have troubles with your browser in an 64bit environment (should not be the case anymore, nowadays) or if you just want to try out a new one, here you find a list of known-to work (and not to work) browsers.</li> </ul> <p> Thanks to <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">"Nils Faerber</a> for allowing me to include parts of his link collection here. </p> <h1><a name="lists">Mailing Lists</a></h1> <ul> <li>The debian-alpha mailing list<br> Send an email with the subject 'subscribe' to <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]</a> to subscribe. <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-alpha/";>Archives are available</a>.</li> <li>Red Hat's Linux/Alpha List<br> <p> This list is oriented towards Red Hat Linux/Alpha users, but also has valuable tips for general Linux-Alpha issues. To subscribe, go to the <a HREF="http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/axp-list";>List Info page</a>. <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/archives/axp-list/";>Archives</A> of this list are also available. An alternative (searchable) archive can be found <a href="http://www.lib.uaa.alaska.edu/axp-list/";>here</a>. </p> </ul>
#use wml::debian::template title="Alpha Port -- Status" NOHEADER="yes" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/ports/alpha/menu.inc" <h1>Debian GNU/Linux on Alpha -- Status</h1> <h2>The unstable distribution ("sid")</h2> <p>Alpha port is continued to be developed. The automatic package <a href="http://buildd.debian.org";>build daemons</a> for alpha are operational.</p> <h2>Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 "woody"</h2> <p>This is the latest Debian release which includes the Alpha port.</p> <h2>Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 "potato"</h2> <p>Potato has much more software available and supports more types of Alphas than slink did.</p> <h2>Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 "slink"</h2> <p>The alpha port was initially released with this release.</p> <h1>Hardware support</h1> <p>Quite a lot of hardware is now supported on Linux/Alpha. Unfortunately, the exact combination of machine, hardware and kernel version is non-trivial, so if you don't find your combo in <a href="http://www.alphalinux.org/ALOHcl";>this list on alphalinux.org</a>, and researching the <a href="links#lists">list archives for Debian and RedHat</a>-AXP-Lists neither yields a result, then <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">subscribe</a> to the Debian-Alpha list and ask. Usually someone has tried already and can provide useful information.</p>
#use wml::debian::template title="Alpha Port -- System Types" NOHEADER="yes" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/ports/alpha/menu.inc" # $Id: sys_types.wml,v 1.11 2004/03/19 03:57:43 kraai Exp $ <p> This probably isn't a complete list, so if you see something that is not on here or something that is incorrect please <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">let me know</a>. Please note that <!-- FIXME: mailto adress =) I can take this! --> <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/gnumach.html";>GNUMach</a> currently only supports <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/faq.en.html#q2-3";>IA 32</a> based machines. As soon as porting to alpha is started, this list will be updated to show which machines are actually supported.</p> <!-- FIXME: Add links where appropriate, to e.g. BSDs info pages? --> <!-- FIXME: Also Niels has some machine specific links --> <br> <br> <center><table BORDER WIDTH="100%" > <tr> <td><b>Model:</b></td> <td><b>Alias:</b></td> <td><b>Supported by Linux</b></td> <td><b>Supported by GNUMach</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>21164 PICMG SBC (OEM part - single board computer)</td> <td>Takara/DMCC</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DMCC 21264 PICMG (OEM part)</td> <td>Eiger <i>(Tsunami family, but with 1 p-chip)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Alphabook1</td> <td>Alphabook1/Burns <i>(Alpha Notebook family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Alpha Demonstration Unit (prototype unit)</td> <td>ADU</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPC164</td> <td>PC164 <i>(EB164 family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPC164-BX</td> <td>Ruffian <i>(DeskStation produced)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPC164-LX</td> <td>LX164 <i>(EB164 family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPC164-SX</td> <td>SX164 <i>(EB164 family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPC164-UX</td> <td>Ruffian <i>(Samsung produced)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPC64</td> <td>Cabriolet <i>(EB64+ family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaPCI64</td> <td>Cabriolet <i>(EB64+ family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 200 4/100...166</td> <td>Mustang <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 200 4/233</td> <td>Mustang+ <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 205 4/133...333</td> <td>LX3 <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 250 4/300</td> <td>M3+ <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 255 4/133...333</td> <td>LX3+ <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 300 4/266</td> <td>Melmac <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 400 4/166</td> <td>Chinet <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 400 4/233...300</td> <td>Avanti <i>(Avanti family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 500 5/266...300</td> <td>Maverick <i>(Alcor family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 500 5/333...500</td> <td>Bret <i>(Alcor family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 600/266...300</td> <td>Alcor <i>(Alcor family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 600/300...433</td> <td>XLT <i>(Alcor family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaStation 600A</td> <td>Alcor-Primo <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 800 5/333...500</td> <td>Corelle <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000 4/200</td> <td>Mikasa <i>(Mikasa family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000 4/233...266</td> <td>Mikasa+ <i>(Mikasa family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000 5/300</td> <td>Pinnacle <i>(Mikasa family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000 5/333...500</td> <td>Primo <i>(Mikasa family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000A 4/233...266</td> <td>Noritake <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000A 5/300</td> <td>Pinnacle <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1000A 5/333...500</td> <td>Primo <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 1200 5/xxx</td> <td>Tincup/DaVinci <i>(Rawhide family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 2000 4/xxx</td> <td>Demi-Sable <i>(Sable family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 2000 5/xxx</td> <td>Demi-Gamma-Sable <i>(Sable family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 2100a</td> <td>Lynx</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 2100 4/xxx</td> <td>Sable <i>(Sable family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 2100 5/xxx</td> <td>Gamma-Sable <i>(Sable family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 4000 5/xxx</td> <td>Wrangler/Durango <i>(Rawhide family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 4100 5/xxx</td> <td>Dodge <i>(Rawhide family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 8200</td> <td>TurboLaser <i>(Turbolaser family)</i></td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer 8400</td> <td>TurboLaser <i>(Turbolaser family)</i></td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer DS10</td> <td>Webbrick <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer DS20</td> <td>Catamaran/Goldrush <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer DS20E</td> <td>Goldrack <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer ES40</td> <td>Clipper <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS60</td> <td>TurboLaser <i>(Turbolaser family)</i></td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS60E</td> <td>TurboLaser-Lite <i>(Turbolaser family)</i></td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS80</td> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS120</td> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS140</td> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS160</td> <td>Wildfire <i>(Wildfire family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AlphaServer GS320</td> <td>Wildfire <i>(Wildfire family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Alpha XL-233...266</td> <td>XL <i>(Alpha XL family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AXPpci33</td> <td>Noname <i>(Noname family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 2000/300</td> <td>Jensen <i>(Jensen family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 2000/500</td> <td>Culzen <i>(Jensen family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/300</td> <td>Pelican</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/300L</td> <td>Pelica</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/300LX</td> <td>Pelica+</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/300X</td> <td>Pelican+</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/400</td> <td>Sandpiper</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/500</td> <td>Flamingo</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/500X</td> <td>Hot Pink</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/600</td> <td>Sandpiper+</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/700</td> <td>Sandpiper45</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/800</td> <td>Flamingo II</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 3000/900</td> <td>Flamingo45</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 4000 model 610</td> <td>Fang</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 4000 model 710</td> <td>Cobra</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 7000 model 610/180</td> <td>Laser/Ruby</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 7000 model 610/200</td> <td>Laser/Ruby+</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 7000 model 710</td> <td>Laser/Ruby45</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEC 10000</td> <td>Blazer/Ruby</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DECpc 150</td> <td>Jensen <i>(Jensen family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 3300</td> <td>Corelle <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 3300R</td> <td>Corelle <i>(Noritake family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 3305</td> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 3305R</td> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 5300</td> <td>Tincup/DaVinci <i>(Rawhide family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 5305</td> <td>Tincup/DaVinci <i>(Rawhide family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 7300</td> <td>Dodge <i>(Rawhide family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Server 7305</td> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DP264</td> <td>DP264 <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EB64+ (PCI Eval Board)</td> <td>EB64+ <i>(EB64+ family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EB66</td> <td>EB66 <i>(EB66 family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EB66+</td> <td>EB66+ <i>(EB66 family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EB164</td> <td>EB164 <i>(EB164 family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 433a</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 433au</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 466au</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 500a</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 500au</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 550au</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 600a</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Personal WorkStation 600au</td> <td>Miata <i>(Miata family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RPL164-2</td> <td>Ruffian <i>(DeskStation produced)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RPL164-4</td> <td>Ruffian <i>(DeskStation produced)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RPX164-2</td> <td>Ruffian <i>(DeskStation produced)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RPX164-4</td> <td>Ruffian <i>(DeskStation produced)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SMARTengine 21264 PCI/ISA SBC</td> <td>Eiger <i>(Tsunami family, but with 1 p-chip)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UDB/Multia</td> <td>UDB/Multia <i>(Noname family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UP1000</td> <td>Nautilus <i>(Nautilus family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UP1100</td> <td>Galaxy-Train/Nautilus Jr. <i>(Nautilus family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UP2000</td> <td>Swordfish <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XP900</td> <td>Webbrick <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XP1000</td> <td>Monet/Brisbane <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>29</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Cortex</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Cusco</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Medulla</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Privateer <i>(Titan family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Tradewind</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Warhol <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Windjammer <i>(Tsunami family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>XXM</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UNKNOWN</td> <td>Yukon <i>(Titan family)</i></td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> </table></center>
Description: PGP signature