On Wed, 7 Apr 2004, Denis Barbier wrote:

> > Thanks.  I've incorporated this.  I've had some additional eyes (and hands)
> > do some peer-review meanwhile, and some minimal wording changes were made.
> >
> > If there are no further objections, could someone with webwml CVS access
> > please add these files?  (Note I've completely stolen the style.css file
> > From ../debian-lex/, I'll not include it in this mail.)
> As there has been no objection, I committed your files.
That's great.  Could you please change/add the info in

    http://www.debian.org/intro/organization    and

(based on the failure I did yesterday with organisation I know prefer to
 ask for it instaed of breaking it myself ;-) ).

Moreover I would like to suggest to make

   "Custom Debian Distributions"

an extra paragraph (in white box with yellow on black tab) to separate it
from the technical projects more strictly.  The reasoning for this is that
the more technical projects are not relatet to each others but the
Custom Debian Distributions share some common techniques and ideas which are
explained in


(A link to this page would be nice here as well in the manner I did on


 Idea: short info = Wiki, comprehensive info = link above)

Moreover it might be reasonable for the future to have a general
Custom Debian Distribution page (be moving http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/
once it might have gathered a little bit more info, which currently
does not really make sense).

Kind regards


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