* "Edwards, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-30 11:14]:
> I keep getting 403 errors when trying to get packages, which list should
> I post this error to?

 Which packages, from which server? Sorry, but your mail lacks any hints
on how we might be able to help you.

> If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
> that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited.

 It is the responsibility of the _sender_ of mails that they are not
sent to the wrong people. Such disclaimers are not really applicable in
most parts of the world....

 So long,
WARNING: Do not execute!  This software violates patent EP0850441.
IP=;while ping -c 1 $IP;do sleep 1;done;echo Host $IP gone\!

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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