Hello! Sorry for "disappearing" for so long. Actually, I am still around, helping out with some company projects (R&D and occasionally teaching) in Beijing. :-) Things just had been very hectic in the past while. Reading through the renewed debian-chinese-* mailing lists, I see that I had been irresponsible and my absence and silence had held back Debian Chinese's development. My apologies. Anthony Wong is just as busy too.
Another problem is that I have forgotten where I placed the password for webwml. I'll try searching for it more closely. Anyhow, it would be nice if Yu Guanghui, Meng Liang and other interested developers given CVS commit rights so that they can start updating the translations on Debian website. They will certainly keep the Chinese translations in much better shape than I had. Thanks, Anthony On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 03:23:33PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote: > * Meng Liang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-08 21:34]: > > I am a Chinese Debian user. I checked the Debian website and found many > > pages not translated. I am a Chinese translator for GNU website and I > > am interesting in translating Debian pages as well. But I think that > > the current Chinese translation, esp. the Simplified Chinese > > translation, has stopped now. I'd like to know the current main active > > coordinator and do some help on the work. Any advice or reply will be > > highly appreciated. > > Thank you for your interest -- it is truly appreciated. From what I can > see the chinese translation has stalled unfrotunately. About > informations how the website is organized please see the following > pages: > > <http://www.debian.org/devel/website/> -- there you will also find a > link to the translation coordinators in which list you will find the > contact addresses of the chinese coordinators. I wish you much luck on > contacting them. I tried it several times myself with no real success... > If you don't hear anything back from them in lets say two weeks time > please follow up to this mail on debian-www and tell so, so that it > can be arranged that we find a sponsor for your commits and/or you get > commit access directly yourself. > > Have success, > Alfie > P.S.: I cc'ed this mail to you too because I am not sure if you are > subscribe to debian-www yet. If you plan to work on the website on a > regular basis I would encourage you to do in fact subscribe. Or at > least state that you are not subscribed and prefer offlist mails -- > its part of out list conduct. > -- > <Getty> intelligenz? > <Getty> hallo? > <Getty> ich hab bandbreite und rechnerpower ich brauch keine intelligenz ;)