* Doug DeCarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-12 10:51]:
> Can you remove my email address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) from this
> page/message:

 We don't do such things, sorry. See our list disclaimers at
<http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#disclaimer> and

>  http://lists.debian.org/debian-wnpp/2003/debian-wnpp-200301/msg00466.html
> I got a lot of spam to that particular address, and it's the only place
> (according to google) where it occurs on the web.

 Unfortunately it isn't: See
and similar. I am quite sure that there are other public archives, too.

 Although it is planed that our list archives implement a similar
address rewriting like gmane.org, as long as it will stay easy to mail
the people who have said something on the lists in an convenient way
without digging around quite long. This is one of the wanted benefits of
our archives.

 Have fun,
(o)_    ,---ooO--00--Ooo---.  FAQ for at.linux: http://alfie.ist.org/LinuxFAQ/
(>)_  ,'   Gerfried  Fuchs  `. GPG-Pub-Key: http://alfie.ist.org/key-alfie.asc
    ,'     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    `.     GPG-Fingerprint: 3A53 DA5E 797E 9168 
    `- http://alfie.ist.org/ --'      1024D/EC152942  6666 314F 7A95 EC15 2942

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