
I added a native expression of a personal name (reporter
of the original vulnerability) in webwml/security/2004/dsa-455.wml.

In case of Japanese, there are often several possible candidates
of Kanji names which share one reading.  (Latin alphabet expression
is just a transliteration and drops any information other than
reading).  Of course only one out of them is "correct" for each

In case of "Yuuichi Teranishi", there are many possible candidates
of Kanji expression of "Yuuichi" and of course only one of them
is correct and other candidates are wrong.  (Of course there are
other "Yuuichi"s whose Kanji expressions are different.)  On the
other hand, there is virtually one candidate for "Teranishi".

Here I explain how to find the correct Kanji expression for
*this* Yuuichi.

Now, the following URL shows a report of this vulnerability.


The text has his mail address and GPG public key.  Next, I found
the following URL:


The text has the same mail address and points the same URL for
the GPG public key.  Thus these two messages are written by the
same person.  The latter has Kanji expression.  It is what I
searched for.


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