
 There is a problem with the latest commits of the Mirror.masterlist:

make[2]: Entering directory `/org/www.debian.org/webwml/english/mirror'
./mirror_list.pl -m Mirrors.masterlist -t officialsponsors > 
ftp.oregonstate.edu has no sponsor
make[2]: *** [../../english/mirror/official_sponsors.list] Error 255
make[2]: *** Deleting file `../../english/mirror/official_sponsors.list'

 I've digged around a little bit, the problem here is:
ftp.oregonstate.edu is just an Alias, not the Site itself. The script
only searches for Site sponsors, not Alias sponsors, and with the
current data layout I am not sure how the fix in mirror_list.pl should
look like to be able to look into the Alias sites, too.

 So I suggest the following minimal patch for Mirror.masterlist:

diff -r1.528 Mirrors.masterlist
< Site: debian.oregonstate.edu
< Alias: ftp.oregonstate.edu
> Site: ftp.oregonstate.edu
> Alias: debian.oregonstate.edu

 I hope this is acceptable, but I won't submit it myself unless an ACK
from Joy (or other responsible person for that file).

 So long,
There are people who see things as they are and they wonder why, and
there are people who dream things as they have never been and they
wonder why not.
                                                             G. Shaw

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