On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 07:00:37AM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote:
> Jens Seidel:
> > > I'll translate this page this weekend, maybe. ;)
> > But please note that you can use the old translation as template, it is
> > available from:

(This remark was mainly indented to the original poster and not to the
Korean translation coordinator, I'm sure he knows already about this.)

> Also have a look at the instructions at
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2004/debian-www-200401/msg00323.html
> for info on how to check out the old version to continue from. You can
> then use the check_trans.pl script as usual to find out what has
> changed.

I have trouble with your check_trans.pl script. Can you please explain the

$ ./check_trans.pl -q german
Unknown status of german/consultants/jurgen_l.wml (revision should be 1.2)
$ head -2 english/consultants/jurgen_l.wml
#use wml::debian::consultant
#use wml::debian::translation-check original="german" translation="1.1"
$ head -2 german/consultants/jurgen_l.wml
#use wml::debian::consultant

The current revision number of the German file is 1.1.
The German file is the original file, the English one is a translation
and is uptodate.

Is this a bug in your script?


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