[Admin at dDH]:
Now that's a website where it's done right!
- No 'font download pop ups'
That's strange, considering they are using exactly the same technique as we
do on www.debian.org, the links to the translations are the name for the
language in its own writing system. No images, just text. Exactly what we do.
- Clear link to translations at the top
Well, clear if you know that "translations" means "translations", of course.
But if you do that, you probably don't need the translation, anyway.
At gnu.org the HTML is: <a href="/home.pt.html">Português</a>
At debian.org it is: <a rel="alternate" lang="pt" hreflang="pt"
title="Portuguese" href="about.pt.html">Português</a>
which amounts to the same thing. The only difference is that we label the
link with its language, and add a popup with the language name in the page's
language (so that you can get a hint of what the link does).
Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/
I do not read or respond to mail with HTML attachments.