At the bottom of <>, the current version has:
"Since many people have asked, Debian is pronounced [...]. It comes from the names of the creator of Debian, Ian Murdock, and his wife, Debra." However, I randomly happened to notice that Ian Murdock's website does not (as of 10 Oct 2004) seem to show any confirmation of the above. Furthermore, comparing the current version with the last archived version from the Internet Archive ( <> <> ...shows that a reference to Debra was there as of 8 months ago, and is no longer. This seems to offer strong evidence of some changes in Ian's life, and while I certainly don't think that Ian's personal life is any of the Debian community's business, it seems that it would be appropriate to change the above page on the Debian website to something more factual and less linked to the current status of Ian's personal life. Following the example of the current Wikipedia entry, I would suggest: "Since many people have asked, Debian is pronounced [...]. The name was obtained by Ian Murdock, the creator of Debian, from his own name and that of his girlfriend at the time, Debra." -a random Debian user (who doesn't see a need to associate his name with this thread)