* Giuseppe Sacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-28 12:42]:
> Il ven, 2003-11-28 alle 12:21, Josip Rodin ha scritto:
>> elmo and I are likely going to restore packages.d.o and cgi.d.o first.
>> I guess some provisions for the rest of webwml could be pondered after
>> that's done. Use of CVS pserver is, as always, troubling...
> What about translations? May we have access in order to proofread the
> translations?

 I am almost sure that Joy was talking about proofreading the _scripts_,
not the contents :)

> Could you prepare a (signed) tarball for each webwml/$language that we
> may download and proofread?

 You can do a cvs diff -rHEAD $language or similar before your next
update if you think your language has been tampered with, I guess.

 So long,
No, really, I surveyed everyone on the planet just last night. Everyone thinks
it rocks. I'm pretty tired now actually, and I'm _damn_ sick of people who let
their dogs in their front yards.
    -- Anthony Towns, debian-devel, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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