Hi, I have one question about debian. Exactly its not about the system itself. I am relatively new in the Linux os, but as I tried few distributions, I begun to like Debian, but I am not writing to you and telling you how the system is great. I am writing to you, because I wanna know if there is some FTP site, where i can download all the security patches for this system. I have the last stable version 30r1 woody, but i am affraid to connect it to the net, because it can be vulneable. And I cant get it by apt, because I am still living in a country, where modem is the only solution of connection to the web and downloading hundreds of megs of data is a suicide, but I can download it at school, where of course are only windows :(((
Could you just tell me if i can get the paches somewhere, or it is impossible. Thx for answer Petr Sourek