Dear Webmaster, Your Web site Debian has been included in EEVL: the Internet guide for Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing EEVL is a non-profit making free service, funded by the UK further and higher education funding councils through the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) to provide the best access to quality Internet resources (in mathematics, computing and engineering), primarily for lecturers, researchers and students in higher and further education, but also for anyone interested in these subject areas. It would greatly assist the users of EEVL if you could look through the EEVL record for your site and let us know if all the details are accurate. For the next 14 days your site will be listed in the EEVL News section: If you have any corrections, or wish to suggest a new resource for EEVL, please get in touch. An opportunity for you to contribute to a free nation-wide service for these subject communities is to place a link to EEVL, or better, add an EEVL search box to your site so your users can search EEVL without leaving your website. You can see how to do this at "Working with EEVL": This is a one-off message, and you are not included in any mailing list. Best wishes, Lesa Ng ----- Lesa Ng EEVL Information and Cataloguing Co-ordinator Heriot-Watt University Library, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS Tel: [+44] (0) 131 451 8242 Fax: [+44] (0) 131 451 3164 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit EEVL: The Internet guide for Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing