merge 131631 220218

* Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-11 15:34]:
> returns an empty list, however the
> package is there, see bugs.d.o or or
> /debian/pool/main/w/which/.
> You might want to merge this with #195614 which might be caused by the
> same bug.

 *sigh*  Why do people file duplicate bugreports when they themself
believe already that it might be a duplicate? :-/  Would have been nice
to ask somewhere first (debian-www, IRC or else).

 This is the same as #131631, #141618 and #146675. I'm not sure about
#195614 though because that one is an i386 only package? If that is the
same it should be merged, too (or three, or four, or five, ...).

 So long,
We all agree on the necessity of compromise.  We just can't agree on
when it's necessary to compromise.
                -- Larry Wall

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