Name of organization:
Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Organization type:

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Some members of our Department started using Debian in 1997 and after a
few years of experience, Debian became the official operative system of
the Department. Today, the majority of our computers run on Debian,
performing tasks as serving web pages, electronic mail, webmail, and other
more sophisticated related to research. Even the Department's secretary
works on a Debian machine, doing all the administrative work secrataries

We have a Computer Lab with a dozen computers where students, starting
freshman year, receive their e-mail, browse the web, write reports and
develop software to solve their physics home work. We also installed a
parallel cluster of 20 computers using Debian and Mosix. The cluster is
continuously run by our scientists to solve complex physics problems. Due
to all this experience, and the need to update the systems continuously,
the Department assigned resources to maintain a Debian mirror, which later
became the official Debian mirror of Chile.

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