Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the late reply.
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 04:39:23PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > I noticed that is not sorted by archive of security
> > alerts anymore but, as Alfie pointed out, a sorted list of alerts and
> > updates.
> > 
> > Personally, I don't like the list reordered with updates to older alerts but
> > like the page contain the sorted list of advisories, however, the advisories
> > itself should be updated to reflect the most recent update.
> I implemented the change after someone filing a bug that he can not
> see from the page where the most recent changes happened. I found
> this reasonable and so changed it. We can revert this behavior at once
> (it's like two calls away, one for /, one for
> security/).
> The only problem is to decide if "we" want this. I will leave this to
> the "regulars" here... (but am of course willing to defend my
> position if needed :))

Those who would like to see the ordering of updates to all advisories
should probably read the index page of the list archive which sorts
exactly this.  In my oppinion the list of advisories should only list
the advisories in their order and not updates to them.



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