hi, i'm not a maintainer of Debian web site, but i have a problem with wml and i not found an other place to write.
i maintain the web site of my local LUG. i explain : / is root directory (exemple) /.wmlrc : -DROOT~. when i type : wml -o index.html index.wml ------- no problem after : cd docs wml -o docs.html docs.wml ---no problem cd statuts ** i'm in /docs/statuts ** wml -o statuts.html statuts.wml ---- i have a problem : i have templates files in /.wml /.wml/template.inc /.wml/navbar.inc the problem is : the ROOT variable isn't expanded in the navigation bar if the wml file is in /docs/ststuts/ but is expanded for all other $(ROOT) ( not in the menu ) if i move statuts.wml in /docs and type wml -o statuts.html statuts.wml ---> no problem In any sub-sub-directory $(ROOT) isn't expanded in wml navbar tags but is expanded in in the file because i tested with : ------ $(ROOT) ..... navbar declaration ...... ----- and my navbar start with ../.. in any sub-directory, no problem. if you have think about this problem , thank excuse my poor english. thank you -- VIVE Le Logiciel Libre enjoy Free Software