Hello, Craig!

I've read the following on http://www.debian.org/devel/website/todo
and would like to ask if I can help:


This page needs to be split up. By country is probably too fine
grained. Splitting them up by continent should work well.

All the vendors web sites need to be checked to see that they actually
contribute. They should also be checked after each major release of

Another solution would be to move it to a database-driven system.
There's already some sort of an internal database that only Craig
knows about.

This page is being maintained by Craig Small ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Don't know if there is anyone already working at it, if not I would
like to do some work. I have enough time to check all websites and to
build up new pages. If I look at the pages they are really quite long.

So, please let me know if I can do anything.


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