On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 09:09:16AM -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:
> Examples of effective privacy measures for mailing list archives
> include:
>   * restricting archive access to list members
>   * not restricting access, but using the HTTP password mechanism
>     to discourage spiders (e.g. perforce-users mailing list)
>   * simply obscuring all email addresses in message headers or trailers
> That last countermeasure is my favorite one, since it means that
> Google will still have full access to the info in the list archive.
> I would greatly appreciate it if debian.org would institute one of
> the above spam countermeasures (preferably the last one).
> I understand that overly harsh spam countermeasures would be
> harmful to normal discourse, but I trust some useful middle
> ground can be found.

We know.  See


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