Hello, I am the public relations manager for the project penguin database. My self and two others are the owners of the database and irc net we run for a linux community. We have created a database to the linux community that will record stats about there box. We have the beta version released to the public but are lacking the hits to the site that we need.
The propose I have is that we have a text link on each site to promote one another. We are looking for way's to make our community grow and in order to do that we need to get a user base started. You would be able to help us out with this. In return once we get a large user base we will attract users that have not been to your site or that have not heard about debian linux. Our database is totally free and has many features, I bleve this will be very usefully to the linux community. We are always looking for features to add to the database to attract users as well. If you would like to take a look at the database. You may do so here (http://www.ns-network.net/ppd/). This is the main page for the ppd project. Where news will be placed, upgrades to the client as well as features added to the database. Here is a link to a box that is currently registered with the database. This will let you see the features we have at the moment. (http://www.ns-network.net/ppd/index.cgi?mod=ViewBox&id=1) I hope you will consider this, as I think it will help each of us in the end. Thank you Mike Ellis