* Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-04-16 22:18]:
> To clarify what I outlined in #186740, if you were to start with this
> sort of string:
>   &foo blah &amp; <url>
> you would end up with this in the HTML:
>   &amp;foo blah &amp; &lt;url&gt;
> which would be rendered in the browser (ie entities decoded) like this:
>   &foo blah & <url>
> The last line is what we _see_, but the second last line is what is
> actually in the HTML.  I'm not sure I described it clearly enough in
> #186740, sorry.  Valid HTML entities will be normalised, everything else
> will be preserved.

 And I personally think that this is wrong (and if I understand is also
Dennis opinion):

 When I write one of my package descriptions like this:

Description: the foo that does blah
 This package realizes an implemention of foo that does blah.
 Some of the options are:
  &foo blah &amp; <url>

 Then I *DON'T* want it to be rendered on the website as this:

  &foo blah & <url>

 But I want it to have it on the website as this:

  &foo blah &amp; <url>

 The packages page should NOT change the content of the descriptions IN
ANY CASE, whatever the reasons would be!  So it should be replaced to a
string like this:

  &amp;foo blah &amp;amp; &lt;url&gt;

 Of course the url could be replaced with <a href="url">url</a>, but
that's not the topic of this bug.

 Joy, do you really insist on changing the _content_ of the package
descriptions which are text/plain, to make them show _different_
informations than the various package management tools do??  That is a
bad thing and I guess your mind is twisted currently, as an excuse :)

 Have fun,
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