Hello Debian Web Maintainers, I've been using Debian for a few years now, and only today after a careful search of the Securing Debian Manual, have I confirmed what I thought was the case about security updates in Debian.
The ff is verbatim from the security page: Keeping your Debian system secure In order to receive the latest Debian security advisories, subscribe to the debian-security-announce mailing list. You can use apt to easily get the latest security updates. This requires a line such as deb http://security.debian.org/ woody/updates main contrib non-free in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. I think it would be nice if you "let the other shoe fall" and added a bit more, so that it would now read something like: Keeping your Debian system secure In order to receive the latest Debian security advisories, subscribe to the debian-security-announce mailing list. You can use apt to easily get the latest security updates. This requires a line such as deb http://security.debian.org/ woody/updates main contrib non-free in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Then executing apt-get update will fetch and install the security updates on your system. See the Securing Debian manual (section 4.8) for more details. Thank you for your attention, David Fu