GET STARTED WORKING FROM HOME TODAY! This message contains valuable information about our organization and qualified specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in WORKING FROM HOME.
We have spent the last decade researching home employment options available to the public. After spending thousands of hours in research, we can confidently promise you that NO ONE has better information on this subject. ---WORK IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME--- ***WIDE SELECTION OF JOBS...TOP PAY*** --REAL JOBS WITH REAL COMPANIES-- Plus receive your very own "Computer Cash Disk" FREE! Every day thousands of people just like you are getting started working at home in fields of computer work, sewing, assembling products, crafts, typing, transcribing, mystery shopping, getting paid for their opinion, telephone work and much more! WHO ARE HOME WORKERS? They are regular, ordinary people who earn an excellent living working at their own pace and make their own hours. They are fortunate people who have found an easier way to make a living. They had absolutely no prior experience in this field. They earn a good weekly income in the comfort of their own home and you can be next! Companies all over the United States want to hire you as an independent home-worker. You are a valuable person to these companies because you will actually be saving them a great amount of money. These companies want to expand their business, but do not want to hire more office people. If they hired more office employees, they would have to supervise them, rent more office space, pay more taxes and insurance, all involving more paperwork. It is much easier for them to set it up so you can earn an excellent income working in the comfort of your own home. -------------------LIVE ANYWHERE-------------------- You can live anywhere and work for most of these companies. The companies themselves can be located anywhere. For computer work, the companies provide you with assignments, usually data entry or similar tasks. You then complete the project and get paid for each task. You receive step by step instructions to make it easier for you and to insure you successfully complete the job. After you're finished, you ship the completed assignments back to the company at no charge to yourself. Upon receiving your assignments, the company will then mail you a check along with more assignments. It's that easy! All the other home-based work (sewing, merchandising, surveys, product assembly, typing, telephone work, transcribing, and mystery shopping) are done in a similar way. After contacting the companies you will be given step by step instructions and information on what you need to do. Upon completion of the task, they mail you a check. You have the potential to work for nearly every company in our guide. The only jobs that require equipment is computer work (computer needed), typing (typewriter or computer). All other work requires no equipment of your own. $$$EARN EXTRA INCOME AT HOME$$$ All business can be done by mail , phone, or online. You can START THE SAME DAY you receive "The Guide to Genuine Home Employment." *****ONLY REAL COMPANIES OFFERING REAL JOBS!***** The companies in our guide are legitimate and really need home workers. There is over two hundred of the top companies included in our guide offering an opportunity for you to make extra income at home. Unlike other insulting booklets or lists you may see, our guide only includes up to date information of companies who pay top dollar for your services and will hire you. WITHOUT CHARGING YOU FEES TO WORK FOR THEM, GUARANTEED! **UPDATE.....Now our guide explains and goes into detail about each company and what they have to offer you! You are guaranteed to find home based work in our guide. No problem! **UPDATE.....Our new edition offers an entirely new category of work. It reveals a new, unique way to get paid for your opinion online. Just surf to the proper website and get paid to fill out opinion surveys! What could be easier! We urge you to consider this extraordinary opportunity. Don't delay or you could miss out! This is like no other offer you've ever seen. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This is an opportunity to become an independent HOME WORKER. Remember, this is NOT a get-rich- quick-scheme. It is an easy way for you to earn money while filling the needs of a company who needs you. This makes it easy to work at your OWN PACE and in the comfort of YOUR HOME. ***HERE'S HOW TO GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY*** Print the form below, fill in your information and mail it to us, along with the small one time fee for the guide. We will ship the "Guide To Genuine Home Employment" out the same day we receive your reply form! Order within 15 days and the complete, updated, sure-fire, Genuine Home Employment Guide is yours for the special low price of just $29.95! That's over 27% off our normal price of $39.95. **Don't delay one more minute, START NOW!!!** **FREE BONUS....."COMPUTER CASH DISK" (MAC & IBM compatible) 167 business reports. Tips, tricks and secrets on starting and operating a successful home based business and how to avoid dishonest marketing offers. Comes with full reproduction rights! READ THEM, SELL THEM AND BANK THE MONEY. Never pay us any royalties. Sells for $69.00, but it's worth a whole lot more than that. Get yours today...FREE! >>>FULL 60 DAY RISK FREE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! Test our material out for a free trial period and if it isn't everything we said it is, just send it back and we will gladly refund your money. We've helped thousands of people like yourself get started working at home over the last eight years. You can be the next! THINK WHAT AN EXTRA INCOME COULD DO FOR YOU! LET US HEAR FROM YOU TODAY! THIS COULD EASILY CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER! DON'T LET THIS EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY PASS!! THESE OPPORTUNITIES ARE PROFITABLE AND EASY. ACT NOW!!! HERE'S HOW TO GET STARTED...... Send Check or Money Order for $29.95 and the completed order form below to us at: Cybernet HWA PO Box 914 North Branford, CT 06471 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EZ ORDER FORM _____ Yes! I am interested in a REAL home job. I am ordering within 15 days. Here is my $29.95. Please rush me my package today including "The Guide to Genuine Home Employment" and your "Free Computer Cash Disk"!! (Please PRINT all information CLEARLY) NAME___________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________ CITY __________________________________________ STATE ____________________ ZIP _______________ EMAIL [EMAIL PROTECTED] PHONE ( ) _____________________________