On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 12:13:15AM +0100, Walter J. Ferstl wrote:
> Hello,
> referring to your page
> Software distributions based on Debian
> http://www.debian.org/misc/children-distros

Funny. I believe it's not (yet) linked from anywhere in our site. How did
you get there? :-)

> it might be of interest that there are two new Debian-based distributions
> similar to Knoppix, namely
        IMHO there are, at the moment, way too many Knoppix-based
distributions for us to list them all. Probably, after the "remastering"
knoppix is no longer that much a hype, we could probably list those
knoppix-based Live CDs (I don't think we should call them "distributions"
in their own right, just yet) which have consistenly gotten more popular.

As a side note, and related to Gnoppix, you might want to take a look at
Gnome-Live-CD available at: http://metadistros.hispalinux.es/download.html
(it is slightly spanish oriented)




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