To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to inform you of an incomplete document that I found linked on the following webpage:

The exact link I found to lead to an incomplete document is reproduced below. I am not sure if this is an intentional link or if an error that has only occurred recently. However, while searching for documentation that I could read, I found that the document referenced below has no information, other than about it's author, included in the link. Not even any indication if the document is being revised or if it had changed locations. Being an total neophite to Linux in general, let alone Debian I oft'times depend on the documentation that I'm able to locate online.

The page indicated previously contains the following entry which IMHO refers to a completely empty document.


Debian User Reference Manual
This manual provides at least an overview of everything a user should know about his Debian GNU/Linux system (i.e. setting up X, how to configure network, accessing floppy disks, etc.). It is intended to bridge the gap between the Debian Tutorial and the detailed manual and info pages supplied with each package. It is also intended to give some idea of how to combine commands, on the general Unix principle, that there is always more than one way to do it. Authors: Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer
Editors: Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick
Maintainer: (?)
Status: stalled
Availability: Latest version:
English: [HTML]

Use CVS to download the SGML source text for user.


Anyhow, this is a complaint, just an attempt to inform you of a possible error.

Thanks for you time.


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