* Debian WWW CVS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-07 10:22]:
> Log message:
>       Another shot at the creation of crossreferences. The wml files is no 
> longer
>       created by make-ref-table but, instead, calls code available at
>       ref-table.wml
>       This allows crossreferences to be i18n easily but, however, duplicates 
> code
>       (since the one in ref-table is almost the same as in make-ref-table)

 If the code is almost the same shouldn't it be possible to make it work
for both?  I guess it should, haven't taken a look at the script.

 And, I'd like to ask you to rename ref-table.wml to something
different. It isn't there to produce output by itself so it shouldn't be
called .wml, this is misleading for translators (and also the stats).

 It would be nice if the changes could be incorporated into
make-ref-table again to let it work for both.  Maybe check for a
commandline option or some defined wml variables, am not sure.

 Have fun,
Wo wir schon bei Schnäppchenbestrafungen sind: ich finde § 307 StGB hat ein
recht ordentliches Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Soviel Bums für sowenig Strafe
gibt sonst nirgendwo.
                        -- Holger Lembke in de.soc.recht.misc

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