Hi All, I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to add the "OASIS Member" logo to the Debian homepage - maybe down near the 'site sponsor' image.
(BTW, the logo is here: http://www.oasis-open.org/images/OASISLogo.jpg) Since Debian is the _only_ linux distro to have an OASIS membership, putting the logo may lend a bit of prestige. I dunno... FWIW, OASIS is an XML-oriented standards organization that's developed such familiar specs as both the SGML and XML Catalog specs. DocBook is also an OASIS project/specification. Also, since most of the other members are large international corporations, we effectively serve on the same standards committees as those from Sun, Microsoft, IBM, HP, etc. A unique position for a non-commercial organization such as Debian. 'just thought it might be worth considering...:-) Thanks, Mark P.S. Please CC: me if you want me to get any responses - I'm not subscribed to the debian-www list. -- _____________________________________ Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Debian XML/SGML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/> GPG fp: 50DF A22D 5119 3485 E9E4 89B2 BCBC B2C8 2BE2 FE81