[please Cc: to me because I am not subscribed to either list] On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:01:12 +0100, Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > % ldapsearch -P2 -x -h db.debian.org -b > 'uid=oohara,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org' cn mn sn > ... > cn: Oohara > sn: Yuuma > ... > > There does seem to be an error in Yuuma Oohara's entry, though -- cn and sn > are reversed. This email is Cc:ed to the developer and debian-admin so that > the error can be verified and then fixed. I don't know what cn and sn are. cn = Christian name, sn = surname? My family name is Oohara and my personal name is Yuuma. I am _not_ Yuuma Oohara -- in Japan a family name comes before a personal name. The NM application form insisted on the personal-name-family-name order, so it may be the cause of the bug.
I don't see any point in splitting a developer's name into the family name and the personal name, but it is another issue. -- Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Debian developer PGP key (key ID F464A695) http://www.interq.or.jp/libra/oohara/pub-key.txt Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170 1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695 Do not assume users will be motivated to read manuals --- The GNU Privacy Handbook