Greetings!  I'm writing to follow up on my crashes trying to use the JAWS
screen reader with the development tools listing link on your site.  Have
you had any luck helping this shark grow some better teeth or making its
food more chewable? 

You may know that the folks at Freedom Scientific have said several times
that (1) JAWS has worked in the past, (2) there have been no changes in JAWS
since then, and (3) therefore something must have changed on the site.
Well, e-mails I exchanged yesterday and today with Freedom Scientific's John
Carson lead me to believe that nobody there has used JAWS on this link
before, or at least, not recently.  It seems instead that they inferred from
my comment about having "no trouble with the site" until the crashes I wrote
about to mean that I'd also used this link successfully before.  I had not
expected this, having specified the link I was having trouble with, and
having said "no trouble with the site" until then, not "no trouble with the
link."  I did not try to use the link in question until last month, and have
never used it successfully.  I reiterate that so far this is the only
trouble I've had with your site.  Indeed, it's the only trouble I've had
with JAWS on any of the many Linux-related sites I've visited during the
past two or three years.

If I'm correct that the people at Freedom Scientific do not know of any
fairly recent, successful use of this link with JAWS, then I take it we
cannot presume that the problem arises from recent changes on your site.  I
don't know if this is at all helpful to you at this point, but I thought I
should bring it to your attention.

Thanks yet again for anything you can do or suggest.


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