
From: Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: automatically-generated ISO-8859-1 characters in mulbibyte webpages
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 14:22:19 +0100

> Oh, yeah, that's in another sub. I'll find it and have it use
> from_utf8_or_iso88591_to_sgml() as well, of course.

How about this patch?

--- people.pl   2003-01-09 07:31:58.000000000 +0900
+++ people.pl.new       2003-01-11 09:05:07.000000000 +0900
@@ -442,15 +442,23 @@
   foreach (`ldapsearch -P 2 -x -h db.debian.org -b dc=debian,dc=org uid=\* cn 
mn sn labeledurl`) {
     chop; $line = $_;
     if ($line =~ /^(dn: )?uid=(.+),.+$/) { $name = $2; }
-    elsif ($line =~ /^cn(=|: )(.+)$/) { $ldap_cn = $2; }
+    elsif ($line =~ /^cn(=|: )(.+)$/) {
+      $ldap_cn = from_utf8_or_iso88591_to_sgml($2);
+    }
     elsif ($line =~ /^mn(=|: )(.+)$/) { next; }
-    elsif ($line =~ /^sn(=|: )(.+)$/) { $ldap_sn = $2; }
+    elsif ($line =~ /^sn(=|: )(.+)$/) {
+      $ldap_sn = from_utf8_or_iso88591_to_sgml($2);
+    }
     elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+):: (.+)$/) {
       use MIME::Base64;
       my $namepart = $1;
       my $worddata = decode_base64($2);
-      if ($namepart eq "cn") { $ldap_cn = $worddata; }
-      elsif ($namepart eq "sn") { $ldap_sn = $worddata; }
+      if ($namepart eq "cn") {
+       $ldap_cn = from_utf8_or_iso88591_to_sgml($worddata);
+      }
+      elsif ($namepart eq "sn") {
+       $ldap_sn = from_utf8_or_iso88591_to_sgml($worddata);
+      }
       elsif ($namepart ne "mn") {
         die "something went wrong, a non-name field is BASE64 encoded";

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