In downloading CD 1 with jigdo I have run into a problem. Jigdo reports that 49 files are missing. I have tried all the Canadian mirrors as well as the main US site. I have tried re downloading the woody-i386-1_NONUS.jigdo and woody-i386-1_NONUS.template files. I have also tried looking for the specific missing packages on several sites (ftp client). These files do not seem to exist on any mirror that I could find. Some of the missing files are:
pool/main/f/fam/libfam0_2.6.6.1-4_i386.deb pool/main/g/glibc/locales_2.2.5-6_all.deb doc/FAQ/debian-faq.txt.gz pool/main/g/glibc/glibc6_2.2.5-6_i386.deb pool/main/s/scrollkeeper/scrollkeeper_0.3.6-3_i386.deb Are these files really missing or is there a problem with the .jigdo file? Thanks, Brian Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release Date: 30/12/2002