On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 10:09:11AM +0900, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> > > Why not use iso_8859::str2sgml; instead of mhonarc::htmlize for 
> > > iso-8859-1?
> [...]
> > Sounds like a very good idea.
> Who should I ask for this modification?

This is the right place to ask, I was watching the discussion and waiting
for eventual objections. The subthreads don't seem to be overly decisive,
but the change seems like an oversight to me so I guess I'll apply it.

> (permission of klecker:/org/www.debian.org/cron/people_scripts/people.pl

I have no idea how you came from mhonarc to people.pl, but okay. :)

> is 755 owner=joy group=debwww, but I don't know whether klecker is the
> rignt place to do because I checked klecker just by chance.  I also
> checked gluck(=www.debian.org) and master but they don't have the file.

The rule is that foo.debian.org is on the host that has the A for the said
address, in the directory /org/foo.debian.org. Therefore lists.debian.org
stuff would be in master.debian.org's /org/lists.debian.org, and that is
indeed where it's at.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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