On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 08:48:23AM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Anand Kumria wrote:
> > #149509  - Request For New List: debian-montreal
> > 
> >     reject; but list regional on lists.debian.org
> ack

Put this into lists.cfg, if so what format Josip?

{ essentially we'd like to list regional mailing lists of interest to
Debian people but host them ourselves }

> > #156417 - New list: debian-security-portuguese
> > 
> >     approve; create
> >     [ special things to be done for this list? ]
> nak - see discussion on debian-security

Could you summarise; not a list I follow.

> > #162668 - New Mailinglist debian-x86-64
> > 
> >     approve; create
> nak.  There's not been a single discussion about this on debian-devel,
> This list would be proper if debian-ia64 is the wrong target, and the

debian-ia64 is the wrong target; x86-64 would probably fit a debian-i386
(or debian-x86) since the AMD stuff is an extension of the ia32
instruction set.

> port has already started, and there are people working on it. Until
> that I'd suggest to use debian-devel or debian-ia64 if the latter is
> proper, which I don't know, but I doubt AMD builds an architecture 
> that is incompatible with the intel architecture.
> > #169696 - lists.debian.org: Please create debian-admins (or similar)
> > 
> >     approve; want better name, suggestions?
> nak - debian-isp should be used.  ISP's use and admin of Debian machines
> is quite similar.  An admin may have 50 desktop boxes which an ISP does
> not have, but many other packages/setups remain similar -> no new list.

My name suggestion would be debian-sysadmins; however I have marked the
bug report as pending evidence of requirements. I don't feel debian-isp
is appropriate as a mailing list venue.

> > #166357 -  lists.debian.org: please create debian-exim list
> > 
> >     approve; want to put it into different domain instead.
> >             [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead
> >     also migrate existing mailing lists
> nak - why create a list for random packages?  why not using 
> exim-maint@(master.)?debian.org?

I think the principle of multiple maintainers makes sense for Essential:
yes; and standard and important packages, IMO. For other packages, (X,
SSH, glibc, gcc, openoffice, et al.) I don't have a problem.

We still have to provide the mail aliases for exim-maint@; so why not
make it another domain.


 `` We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.
 When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
 leaves. '' -- Buddha, The Dhammapada

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