On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 at 04:57:19PM +0800, Andrew Shugg wrote:
> > Another reason the patch was broken is because it didn't say "Here's the
> > HOWTO: <link 1> <link 2>", it said "Here's the <link HOWTO>, blah blah blah.
> > Here's another <link> to the same thing.". Remember how users only spend
> > eight seconds per page, and you'll notice the world of difference there :)
> Dear me, I missed those well-documented guidelines.  ;)

I'll add documenting that guideline to the to-do list ;)

> I thought tacking the second link on at the end was the least disruptive
> change.

That is, of course, true, however, sometimes in the interest of clarity,
it's better to rephrase the text properly. The translators only get upset
when disruptions are unjustified.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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