On Thursday 05 December 2002 15:10, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 03:07:33PM +0100, E.L. Willighagen wrote:
> > > I know that it's easy to translate short pages, but please prioritize
> > > your work to first translate the pages that are most visited, such as
> > > installmanual.wml or releasenotes.wml in that same directory.
> >
> > Are there statistics about most visited pages per country (e.g. per .uk
> > domain)? That would be very interesting... (Lire, lire package, could do
> > such things easily...)
> I don't believe there's any of that already done. Theoretically they should
> all be the same, regardless of the country... the translated pages
> shouldn't diverge much, only user's customs might (e.g. in countries with
> more broadband, more people would go for the network installation).

Exactly! And that is what is of interest...

I am not a Debian developer, let alone I have access to the central 
webserver... but I guess it would be possible to have Lire calculate some 
statistics from the weblogs... and then we might see interesting stuff... 
Would it be possible to do such an experiment on the www.debian.org server's 


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