
on http://www.debian.org/releases/ I can read:

The ``testing'' distribution contains packages that haven't been accepted
into a ``stable'' release yet, but they are in the queue for that. The
main advantage of using this distribution is that it has more recent
versions of software, and the main disadvantage is that it's not
completely tested and has no official support from Debian security team.

Is it really still true, testing has no support from Debian security team?
Is it bug on the web or is it true? Always when some security problem
appears, the security team builds the fixed package against testing too.


Marcel Kolaja                              http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xkolaja/
NLPlab FI MU                                        http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/
"Buying an operating system without source is like buying a self-assembly
Space Shuttle with no instructions."       -- Jeremy Allison

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