On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:12:15PM +0800, Anthony Fok wrote:
> > > Changes by:       foka    02/11/23 12:42:39
> > > 
> > >   * Added Rex Tsai as a Chinese translation coordinator.
> > 
> > Why not add a new CVS account for Rex, then?
> > Several people using the same account, even if it is an insignificant one
> > from a security standpoint, is very bad practice.
> Cool!  Can we do that?  I originally thought that CVS accounts were
> linked to our Debian Developers' account, and the language teams were
> supposed to only have account names like "chinese", "japanese", etc. 
> Guess not.  (I never looked deeply into this.)
> But yes, it would be nice to have an account for him.  Should The
> Powers That Be create the account for him now, or should wait until he
> passes the NM application and become an official Debian developer,
> which hopefully will happen in a month's time?  :-) (I guess Rex is now
> at the "Philosophy Test".)

Check out and edit the file passwd from the CVSROOT module of webwml, add an
account[1] and password[2] for him at the end, and commit it. Then log into
cvs.debian.org via ssh and repeat the change in the file

[1] it can be anything he likes
[2] ditto, just crypt it with the program mkpasswd (found in the whois package)

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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