Hi! Again, please find attached the patch. This patch now doesn't change anything for the dsa.XX.rdf file but adds support for the dsalong format.
I am not really sure if the dsalong format should have everything in it, or just the first paragraph. I would rather go with the later, the rest should be looked up with the URL anyway. To do that we must ensure that the DSAs will always have the <p></p> tags around the first paragraph, otherwise it will be hard to do the correct regexp for it. But it should have it anyway, so I am happy with that restriction. Still, I am waiting for answers to some of the questions I raised in the other PATCH mail I sent last week. Especially about if I should enable multiline <define-tag> for the other matches, too. Might help in some way, but beware, the file might get parsed at other ends still that haven't been changed yet (yes, I'm willing to change those, too). I haven't seen any problem with it. Ah yes, and the dsa-long.rdf.in is just the same as dsa.rdf.in but with format set to rdflong instead of rdf. So long, Alfie -- * Rename template.ru to template.ru -- Tollef Fog Heen, changelog.Debian for bsdmainutils (5.20020211-7)
Index: english/template/debian/recent_list.wml =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/template/debian/recent_list.wml,v retrieving revision 1.102 diff -u -b -r1.102 recent_list.wml --- english/template/debian/recent_list.wml 1 Nov 2002 13:16:30 -0000 1.102 +++ english/template/debian/recent_list.wml 25 Nov 2002 13:40:32 -0000 @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ # If $number is zero then all the news items are shown. # # The format parameter specifies the type of output: numbered, definition -# and bulleted list, a table, or a RDF file. +# and bulleted list, a table, or a RDF file (rdf or rdflong). # # The match parameter is a regexp used to determine if the file is special, # i.e. that it should be parsed. @@ -138,33 +138,45 @@ open FILE, "$year/$file" or open FILE, "$year/$trans_title" or open FILE, "$eng_dir/$year/$file" or warn "couldn't open $eng_dir/$year/$file: $!\n"; $base = $1 if ($file =~ /($match).wml/); my $event = ''; + + my $content; + { + local $/; + $content = <FILE>; + seek FILE, 0, SEEK_SET; + } + if ($WML_SRC_DIRNAME =~ /events/) { # shouldn't waste time if it's not events $is_events = 1; <protect pass=2> - foreach (<FILE>) { - if (/^#use wml::debian::past_event$/) { + if ($content =~ /^#use wml::debian::past_event$/m) { $event = "past"; - } elsif (/^#use wml::debian::event$/) { + } elsif ($content =~ /^#use wml::debian::event$/m) { $event = "current"; } - } </protect> - seek FILE, 0, SEEK_SET; } -# warn (stat FILE)[7]; warn "\n"; + $title = ''; $date = ''; $rdate = ''; $desc = ''; $status = ''; $where = ''; + $moreinfo = ''; <protect pass=2> - foreach $line (<FILE>) { - if ($line =~ /^<define-tag pagetitle>\s*(.*)\s*<\/define-tag>$/) { $title = qq/$1/; } # all - elsif ($line =~ /^<define-tag release_date>(.*)<\/define-tag>$/) { $date = qq/$1/; } # News - elsif ($line =~ /^<define-tag where>(.*)<\/define-tag>$/) { $where = qq/$1/; } # events - elsif ($line =~ /^<define-tag date>(.*)<\/define-tag>$/) { $date = qq/$1/; } # events - elsif ($line =~ /^<define-tag description>(.*)<\/define-tag>$/) { $desc = qq/$1/; } # security - elsif ($line =~ /^<define-tag status>(.*)<\/define-tag>$/) { $status = qq/$1/; } # vote + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag pagetitle>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $title = qq/$1/; } # all + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag release_date>(.*?)<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $date = qq/$1/; } # News + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag where>(.*?)<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $where = qq/$1/; } # events + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag date>(.*?)<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $date = qq/$1/; } # events + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag description>(.*?)<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $desc = qq/$1/; } # security + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag moreinfo>(.*?)<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $moreinfo = qq/$1/; } # dsa-long.XX.rdf + if ($content =~ /^<define-tag status>(.*?)<\/define-tag>$/ms) { + $status = qq/$1/; } # vote </protect> if ($title && $date && $where) { # for events/ $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$date]</tt>$elemdate <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong>, $elemfoot$where<br />$elemrealfoot\n"; - last; } elsif ($desc) { # for security/ open DATAFILE, "$eng_dir/$year/$base.data" or warn "couldn't open $eng_dir/$year/$base.data: $!\n"; @@ -178,25 +190,33 @@ # warn "title: $title rdate: $rdate\n"; $rdate = newsdate($rdate); $title =~ s/(DSA-\d{3})-\d{1}/$1/; # strip off the revision in the DSA number - if ($format =~ rdf) { + if ($format eq 'rdf') { $str1 = " <item rdf:about=\"http://www.debian.org/security/$year/$base\"> <title>$title</title> <link>http://www.debian.org/security/$year/$base</link> <description> -$desc + $desc + </description> +</item> +"; + } elsif ($format eq 'rdflong') { + $str1 = " +<item rdf:about=\"http://www.debian.org/security/$year/$base\"> + <title>$title - $desc</title> + <link>http://www.debian.org/security/$year/$base</link> + <description> + $moreinfo </description> </item> "; } else { $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$rdate]</tt> <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong> $elemfoot$desc<br />$elemrealfoot\n"; } - last; } elsif ($title && $date && !$is_events) { # for News/ and not events/ $date = newsdate($date); $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$date]</tt> <strong><a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong><br />$elemrealfoot\n"; - last; } elsif ($title && $status) { # for vote/ $str1 = "$elemhead<a href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a> — "; @@ -207,10 +227,7 @@ elsif ( $status eq "W" ) { $str1 .= "<withdrawn/>"; } else { $str1 .= "$status"; } $str1 .= "<br />$elemrealfoot\n"; - last; } - } # for each line in file - close FILE; if ($event ne "") { # this file was for an event if ( $event eq "past" ) { $over .= $str1; } Index: english/security/Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/security/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.38 diff -u -b -r1.38 Makefile --- english/security/Makefile 9 Nov 2002 13:15:32 -0000 1.38 +++ english/security/Makefile 25 Nov 2002 13:40:32 -0000 @@ -23,10 +23,14 @@ ifndef SUBLANG DSARDF := dsa.$(LANGUAGE).rdf +DSALONGRDF := dsa-long.$(LANGUAGE).rdf DESTDSARDF := $(HTMLDIR)/$(DSARDF) +DESTDSALONGRDF := $(HTMLDIR)/$(DSALONGRDF) else DSARDF := $(sort $(foreach i,$(SUBLANG),$(subst dsa,dsa.$(LANGUAGE)-$(i),dsa.rdf))) +DSALONGRDF := $(sort $(foreach i,$(SUBLANG),$(subst dsa-long,dsa-long.$(LANGUAGE)-$(i),dsa-long.rdf))) DESTDSARDF := $(patsubst %.rdf,$(HTMLDIR)/%.rdf,$(DSARDF)) +DESTDSALONGRDF := $(patsubst %.rdf,$(HTMLDIR)/%.rdf,$(DSALONGRDF)) endif $(DSARDF): $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/dsa.rdf.in \ @@ -53,14 +57,43 @@ $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/dsa.rdf.in endif -all:: $(DSARDF) +$(DSALONGRDF): $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/dsa-long.rdf.in \ + $(wildcard $(CUR_YEAR)/dsa-*.wml) \ + $(wildcard $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/$(CUR_YEAR)/dsa-*.wml) \ + $(wildcard $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/$(CUR_YEAR)/dsa-*.data) \ + $(TEMPLDIR)/recent_list.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/security_tags.wml $(GETTEXTDEP) +ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "zh" + $(shell echo $(WML) | perl -pe 's,:.zh-(..)\.html,:dsa-long.zh-$$1.rdf,g') \ + $(shell egrep '^-D (CUR_|CHAR)' ../.wmlrc) \ + $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/dsa-long.rdf.in + @echo -n " * Converting: [zh_CN.GB2312], " + @$(B5TOGB) < dsa-long.zh-cn.rdf.tmp > dsa-long.zh-cn.rdf + @rm -f dsa-long.zh-cn.rdf.tmp + @$(TOCN) dsa-long.zh-cn.rdf + @echo -n "[zh_HK.Big5], " + @mv -f dsa-long.zh-hk.rdf.tmp dsa-long.zh-hk.rdf + @$(TOHK) dsa-long.zh-hk.rdf + @echo "[zh_TW.Big5]." + @mv -f dsa-long.zh-tw.rdf.tmp dsa-long.zh-tw.rdf + @$(TOTW) dsa-long.zh-tw.rdf +else + $(WML) $(shell egrep '^-D (CUR_|CHAR)' ../.wmlrc) \ + $(ENGLISHDIR)/security/dsa-long.rdf.in +endif -install:: $(DESTDSARDF) +all:: $(DSARDF) $(DSALONGRDF) + +install:: $(DESTDSARDF) $(DESTDSALONGRDF) $(DESTDSARDF): $(HTMLDIR)/%: % install -m 664 -p $< $(HTMLDIR) ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "en" ln -sf dsa.en.rdf $(HTMLDIR)/dsa.rdf +endif +$(DESTDSALONGRDF): $(HTMLDIR)/%: % + install -m 664 -p $< $(HTMLDIR) +ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "en" + ln -sf dsa-long.en.rdf $(HTMLDIR)/dsa-long.rdf endif ifeq "$(LANGUAGE)" "en"
Description: PGP signature