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RegEditer is the best powerful registry System tools,Any body can be a skiller when he have one.Surport Wild char search,You can search key,value and even dword or binary data,every powerful, and it's easy connect to file,you can use it edit registry file,krml file(A easy way to set your system,you can define it by yourself in easy way).Registry can not be lock this registry for ever.Magic setting...(desktop,system,internet explorer settings...)and support 8 langugaes. Any body can use it,except you do not wanna become a computer skiller. my god,too too too powerful if have a fault,we think should be let its to power and wonderful,do you think it?do it! You can use it freely,until you wanna thanks and support author's work,and if you wanna buy,easy way,only 29.95$ When you have one,you can give Microsoft regedit for ever,This is you select...come on main feature function List: Any tool can not lock it for ever,if you use it,you will not meet "registry be lock,please contact system manageer" again. copy and paste key copy and paste values you can search key,value,string data,even binary and dword data replace special it wild char suppor search(so powerful search function) load data from file,and save data to file powerful data editor,not only string and dword,but also binary data support 10 data types(All data avaliable now,even you can edit unknow type data) 8 languages support auto detect language,and you can set it by yourself too key content editor binary data editor KRML (Kugle Registry Mark Language) Explorer inset. KRML document view and edit. Magic Set system by KRML is very powerful and easy way,any body can set your system by this. Speed Go to any key easy Address bar support print key content Favorites support ... don't use it if you do not wanna be a skiller or set your system in easy way. view info at:http://www.qwerks.com/Product.asp?ProductID=3848 dowload link:http://download.com.com/3001-2094-8240081.html http://www.qwerks.com/download/3848/setup.exe thanks for your reading. Declaim: Kugle software has no responsibilities for damaging results caused by the wrong use of RegEditer. KugleSoft