I'm interested in helping out with the debian website, checking for errors and that sort of thing. I've just had a quick look and there are two entries in almost every language's /mirror/sponsors page which make warnings in the tidy logs. I've tracked this back to /english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist containing ampersands which don't get converted to &amp; for html display. Suggestions are either to remove & and replace with "and" (probably going to annoy the sponsor companies) or locate someone who knows perl to fix the mirror_list.pl (lines like print "<a href=\"$sponsorurl\">$sponsorname</a>";) such that it converts such characters into their standard html entities. I'm also trying to figure out how devel's people.names is created, because it currently doesn't account for multiple people with the same surname (creates identical bookmark tags) which would ideally be changed to include their firstname, but otherwise would only create the first (so that the viewer is looking in the right area, since they're listed alphabetically). I'd like to help out fixing some of the other bits and pieces (if I get the tidy logs sorted, I'll move onto the validator logs and finally the url checks), but I couldn't find a clear guide to joining the debian website team. I found some stuff on becoming a debian package maintainer but I wasn't sure if it was the same procedure for this. If it means I've got to go visit someone in person and start using a gpg key and things, I'd sooner just learn how to use diff and send any changes here. Would that be ok, or is there another procedure for reporting minor amendments to pages? Anything anyone can do to shed some light on the whole procedure would be appreciated...
   Thanks for your time,
   Mike  5:)

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