* Felipe Almeida Lessa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-12 14:19]:
> How to set the preferred language in Galeon (I'm using the
> Portuguese[Brazil] language, so the names can be wrong, please check):
> Configurations -> Preferences... -> Renderization -> Languages     =>   
> Select your language and click in "Add"

 Thanks, I've added them.

 I'm finally working out the entry for kde.  It mainly goes like this:
For only one entry, do it through kcontrol.  For two or more language
preferences you have to edit ~/.kde/share/config/kio_httprc and add a
line similar to "Languages=de,en".

 Have fun,
Evolution of Language Through The Ages:
         6000 B.C.: ungh. grrf. booga.
         2000 A.D.: grep. awk. sed.
              -- Illiad on UserFriendly.org

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