
 Now that the po files are in place I am a little bit wondering.  Yes,
Denis promised to write something down but sometimes I can't really wait

 I've taken a look at what I've got in my german/po/ directory and found
some things that I like to know:  First of all, we are supposed to edit
the po/<foo>.XX.po files and commit them, right?  For I have found a yet
untranslated string in there that I'd like to add.

 Secondly, this is about the templates.XX.po file:  There are plenty
msgid's like this:

msgid "<void id=\"misc-bottom\" />misc"
msgstr "Verschiedenes"

 Is this <void> stuff really meant to be in the msgid?  And if so,
should we put it in the msgstr, too?  That isn't really clear to me and
might confuse others, too.

 Thanks for the info in advance,
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