* Kaare Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-10 13:07]:
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 10:45:19AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>>  If you fix html that way please rather move the closing </p> to the
>> correct place (before the next opening block tag) 
> [...]
> Please inspect my commit more closely; it's exactly what I did. :-)

 Yes, I noticed already myself when I wanted to "fix" the english file.
*hmmm*   My only excuse currently can be that I'm having a heavy cold
which affects my brain.

 Sorry, back to my peppermint tea.
"...die Usenet-Ethik-Kommission ist seltsamerweise immer nur dann zur
Stelle, wenn sich jemand erdreistet, eine unumfassende
nichtkuschelweiche Antwort zu geben, die eine geringfügige (geistige)
Mitarbeit des lesers erfordert..." ghw/19.2.00/at.usenet.sonstiges

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